Seriously if you are gonna post using a browser like Modzilla or Firefox etc it will not allow others using Explorer to reply or read replies to your initial posting.
if jesus returned invisibly in 1914 how would anyone really know?
he was invisible.
Seriously if you are gonna post using a browser like Modzilla or Firefox etc it will not allow others using Explorer to reply or read replies to your initial posting.
i have a new, presumably good-working-order 1terabyte hard drive, with 64 bit windows vista loaded from an hp computer that i purchased cheap (125 bucks) because the case (and the motherboard) has been badly smooshed by an errant forklift.
i have a 1.5 year old hp computer that is running vista (but not vista 64).. .
the smooshed computer w/ the good 1t drive had a pentium e6300 chip, and my working computer has an athlon 64x2.. .
double post
i have a new, presumably good-working-order 1terabyte hard drive, with 64 bit windows vista loaded from an hp computer that i purchased cheap (125 bucks) because the case (and the motherboard) has been badly smooshed by an errant forklift.
i have a 1.5 year old hp computer that is running vista (but not vista 64).. .
the smooshed computer w/ the good 1t drive had a pentium e6300 chip, and my working computer has an athlon 64x2.. .
I boot:
..... why??
for those of you who either didn't have time to read amazing's amazing threads on the child abuse issue:.
he was in court and interrogated by the witchtower attorneys, even asked for his social security number, and quizzed on lying testimony they claimmed to have about "sins" which he had never committed.. here it is:.
the watchtower attorney grilled me about my internet activity: they asked for my screen name on jwd (now jwn) ... yep ... they are watching ... and they watch other ex-jw sites ... i have more to say on this another time.
"A friend of mine some time ago said that there are hard core JW's that roam the internet specifically to engage apostates for the purpose of finding out what their argument points are. To help in the door to door activity."
the bottom line for them it seems is to keep their superiors happy (i.e., the co).
so as long as people report time, it makes the elders look good.
do any elders actually care if it's real or not?
i was told by an elder to fudge mine so his group stats looked better!
just want to know why some of you,not all,please dont think im meaning all of you because that truly isnt the case,claim to be happy for leaving the truth,being df etc yet you continue to speak about jehovah or attack him or the organisation??
even for many years after.. this would show that your hurt by them df you.
when someone we love hurts us its natural to want to hurt them back because we have feelings for im thinking that many have love for jehovah still??
we just want to help people caught up in the brainwashing and routine of the cult and set them free.
Your question, to me, is like saying:
You have escaped a burning building and are really happy now. Why is it you want to be a fireman, the people ignorantly sitting in their burning house seem quite happy, why bother?
i've been saying for almost a year that the wts can only go one way, and that's to be come more hardline and more cultish by tightening their grip on the r&f.. if the recent rumours seen here (and one of them was actually banded about last year) are going to pan out, then the wts is well on it's way to become more cult-ish.. changes to the disfellowshipping arrangement.
moving away from judicial action, leaning more towards the person disassociating themselves due to their actions, either of commission or ommission.
or, and i think this is less likely, they have a stand-alone study edition meeting, perhaps later on a sunday?
hey PP, thanks for acknowledging my post - feels like I'm invisible on here most of the time!!
just the public talk would be the way to go, albeit with 99% of the people not being public, they could spin it by saying even more time for FS afterwards. But then if they shunt the WT to mid week then the study book would have to go... which makes sense, they must be out of books to write and the ones which deal with Daniel, Isaiah and Revelation are probably the cause of many people's exit so would be good for them to drop them.
i've been saying for almost a year that the wts can only go one way, and that's to be come more hardline and more cultish by tightening their grip on the r&f.. if the recent rumours seen here (and one of them was actually banded about last year) are going to pan out, then the wts is well on it's way to become more cult-ish.. changes to the disfellowshipping arrangement.
moving away from judicial action, leaning more towards the person disassociating themselves due to their actions, either of commission or ommission.
or, and i think this is less likely, they have a stand-alone study edition meeting, perhaps later on a sunday?
"He did not mean that ONLY the "public" would be there, but that both JWs and "public" would ................"
But that's exactly how it is now? and has been for decades? If PP meant that then what is different?
i was reading this on the forum for bible students where there seems to be some elder training that will focus on conscience issues and disassociaiton instead of disfellowshipping.
this makes sense from a legal standpoint because there would be no jc but interesting enough, how would someone become disassociated and then shunned?
if shunned would this then place the legality of it all back onto the family members instead of the elders?
sounds more like they are stepping UP DF/DAing rather than abolishing it
i've been saying for almost a year that the wts can only go one way, and that's to be come more hardline and more cultish by tightening their grip on the r&f.. if the recent rumours seen here (and one of them was actually banded about last year) are going to pan out, then the wts is well on it's way to become more cult-ish.. changes to the disfellowshipping arrangement.
moving away from judicial action, leaning more towards the person disassociating themselves due to their actions, either of commission or ommission.
or, and i think this is less likely, they have a stand-alone study edition meeting, perhaps later on a sunday?
if sunday is public only though, how many will be there? all the congs I have ever attended or visited, there are a MAX of 2-3 public there, most have 0-1.
Gonna be a bit weird, 2 people in a hall that can seat 200?